Tickets open to the general public at 6 pm on Monday 1/29

 Buy your tickets here!!!

Tickets Cost: $7.00
Six (6) Ticket Maximum order for all parents

(A slight increase from last year to utilize ticket and seating software that makes the process easier for everyone involved. We appreciate your understanding)





This annual tradition is fun for everyone involved. 
If you are new to OHES, all ages are welcome to showcase their talents and we encourage them to do so! 
There are no winners or losers, just a fabulous night celebrating all the talent in our little school.

Please read through the details carefully before registering.



Choose ONE (1) 10-minute slot on any of these three days.

See the rehearsal sign-up form for additional details.
Thursday, February 15
Friday, February 16
Tuesday, February 20

A 10-minute dedicated time slot to discuss your act with the stage crew. We will confirm the music selection, any special cues, etc. This is a quick, informal rehearsal with no costumes and only the props that are 100% necessary. While short, this first rehearsal is SO IMPORTANT to setting the show line-up and preparing the setlist.
Please show up 10 minutes early to keep the schedule moving.
Hosts do not need to attend a mini-rehearsal.
Each act will run through their performance (at least) two times.


Mandatory Dress Rehearsal: Pretend it's the real deal. Costumes. Props. The whole thing.
February 21 - 6:30-8:30 pm
This is the full show from start to finish. We not only require the performers all be present, but also any parent/5th grader who has volunteered for a stage position. 
We also require our student hosts to be present as well. 


Please do not sign up if you can not attend both required rehearsals. 
We will be making NO exceptions this year.
If you cannot make a rehearsal, your spot will be forfeited to the next act in line.



Ticket Sale Information:

Ticket Cost: $7.00
Six (6) Ticket Maximum order for all parents

(A slight increase from last year to utilize ticket and seating software that makes the process easier for everyone involved. We appreciate your understanding)

  • January 25th, 6 pm ticket sales open to the families of performers ONLY.
  • January 29th, 6 pm ticket sales open to the general public.
  • There will NOT be any in-person sales, and tickets will not be available at the door! 
  • A ticket link will be made available for families and the general public on the day sales open through 3rd party site Ludus, where you will be able to also make your seat selection. 
  • This show sells out every year.  Please make sure you get your tickets as soon as possible.


Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteers will not receive free entry this year but they will receive a concessions voucher for a free drink and snack!






For older information, see the archive