SCHOOL: Oak Hill Elementary School
SCHOOL PHONE: (410) 222-6568
MEETINGS: monthly; see the PTO meetings calendar

BOARD: Contact Us


Goals of the PTO

The Oak Hill PTO funds and spearheads technology for the classroom and enrichment opportunities (both during and after school). Our goal is to help to build a sense of community for our students and families, making Oak Hill students feel "at home" at school, and therefore more available to learn.


Volunteer Opportunities

Your help is needed! There are many ways to be involved at Oak Hill: school events, PTO events, classroom support, and more. Families can assist at home, in the classroom, or after school.


It's a joint effort and we all play a small part for a HUGE impact.


Complete the Volunteer Interest form and someone from the PTO will be in touch with you.


Learn more at our membership page.