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Race for Education 2022 Fundraising is LIVE!

On Friday, May 20, 2022, Oak Hill Elementary School will be participating in the Race for Education! 


We invite family and friends to join us in helping to raise funds for playground equipment, grade level novel sets, technology needs, assemblies and other essential educational needs that will impact each student at Oak Hill. Each participant will raise funds by asking sponsors to contribute a tax-deductible donation to the PTO.



Fundraising for the Race is now live! Friends and family can donate to individual students by heading to that student's fundraising page, or instead can make a general donation via the OHES Race home page:


To find and customize your student's personalized fundraising page, head to the "My Order & Volunteer Forms" tab > Fundraising Campaigns.


Find additional information on the Race home page and in the Race packet, which was also distributed to the OHES community via email.


Contact Lindsay Rooney ( and Jean Nagle ( with questions.



- Lindsay Rooney, 3/25/2022 5:39 pm