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OHES June 2024 PTO Newsletter
Oak Hill PTO Newsletter

Be sure to read the entire newsletter.  If you see [Message clipped] at the bottom of your email click on "VIEW ENTIRE MESSAGE" to get the rest of the story.

Este Oak Hill PTO boletin mensual está disponible en español! Elija español desde el botón "Select Language" en la esquina superior izquierda de la página web A continuación, haga clic en el Newsletter lengueta en la página de inicio Oak Hill PTO
(No seleccione los archivos del boletin.)

Race for Education Success!

Wow Oak Hill! What an incredibly successful Race for Education! Our school community raised nearly $40,000 for our students!

But Race for Education is so much more than a fundraiser. Our students, faculty and staff were so excited to participate in a day of that celebrated hard work, exercise and overall mental-well being. They were smiling from start to finish, singing to the music together and having fun outside! 

A sincere THANK YOU goes out to the administration, teachers and staff for all of their help and coordination to make this day happen.  A heartfelt thank you to Allison Hamilton, Brooke Shivers, Fallon Wareham, Jhena Sword, Thomas Nagle, Megan Sundberg, Elena Stargel, Charlene Lull, Sandra Sonoka, and all our the volunteers who helped to set up, clean up, hand out popsicles, count laps, and everything else in between who helped from sun-up to the very end - it seriously could not happen without our Oak Hill village. 

Thank you to the families who contributed to this fundraiser that will impact each student as they continue at Oak Hill Elementary! We are so grateful for all of our helping hands that made this day so much fun!

Thank you to our race chair Jean Nagle for all of her hard work in putting together our Race for Education! The day ran so smoothly because of you! 



5th Grade vs Faculty Kickball: June 4th

The 5th Grade vs Faculty Kickball Game will take place on Tuesday, June 4th from 8:05 to 9:30am. All volunteer positions have been filled, so a big thank you to all those who stepped up  to help!



Field Day is June 7th!

Save the Date! Field Day is planned for Friday, June 7th. Field Day is a great day where Oak Hill students can have fun, be physically active, and review many of the activities they have learned throughout the year in Physical Education class.

Grades K-2: 9am-11am
Grades 3-5: 12:15pm-2:15pm

Each class has a themed country this year as a way to celebrate the 2024 Olympics (not mandatory, just for fun!)




Holmes-Cayman Islands






Gorski-New Zealand


Wright (Snader)-Cuba

Wells-Costa Rica

Zimmerman-Puerto Rico


















Trent-South Korea




Appel-The Netherlands




Remember to send in a water bottle, sunscreen (lotion/roll-on) and to wear sneakers/athletic wear. 

Due to space limitations we will not host spectators at Field Day.



Lost & Found Clean Out: June 11th &18th!

The upcoming monthly Lost & Found clean out us coming up on June 11thPlease have your students check and claim items from the OHES lobby before then. Items may also be claimed by contacting the Oak Hill main office during school hours. 

On June18th there will be one last summer break purge in the morning to give families a few extra days to realize they might not have come home with something. Anything unclaimed by June 18th will be donated to charity upon the conclusion of school.

Don't forget to follow @OHESLnF on Instragram to review photos of current items.


Kindergarten Summer Play Dates

We would love to have you and your incoming kindergartner join us for some summer play dates to get to know other students who will be going into Kindergarten this Fall. There is a Facebook group for the class of 2037 with more info about planned activities and dates!

Questions? Contact Fallon Wareham at



Mark Your Calendars!

June 10 & 11: Two-hour early dismissal. End of fourth marking period.

June 11: Last day for students!!

June 12: Last day for teachers!!

A Message from our Co-Presidents


Hi Oak Hill!

It’s hard to believe we’re at the end of another school year already! It has been so great to see the return of our beloved Oak Hill events as well as the addition of some new ones! A HUGE thank you to our amazing board, chairs, and all of our volunteers that have worked tirelessly to make this year amazing for our students and staff. We hope you have a fantastic summer and look forward to see you all again in the fall!

Li Basagic & Lynn LaRocca
PTO Co-Presidents


Introducing your PTO Board for the 2024-2026 school years:

Li Basagic and Lynn LaRocca, Co-Presidents

Tracey Hicks-Kearse, 1st VP of  Fundraising 

Courtney Williams & Lindsey Graves, Co- 2nd VPs of Student Enrichment

Brooke Shivers, 3rd VP Volunteer Coordinator

Becky Trevillian, Secretary

Quinton Nabors, Treasurer

Thank you to Shannon Baumler, Gina Ingel, Krista Nasr, and Amanda Rothenbecker for your time and dedication to the PTO board! We will miss you! 


Volunteer Kudos!

Volunteer Kudos: A HUGE Thank you to EVERYONE who has helped make Oak Hill a wonderful school for our children during the 2023-2024 school year. Though there are too many of you to be named, we are grateful for each volunteer who gave their time to step up and help out when needed!

Thank you to Courtney Williams for creating and designing our OHES Yearbook! With expert creative assistance in layout planning and in-school/event photography from Jennifer Hannon, Katie Crouse, April Bradford, and Danijela Hackmann.

Thank you to Fallon Wareham & Courtney Williams who are behind all of our online databases, forms and websites! We couldn't do it without you!

Thank you to Annie DiMauro for doing all of the work behind Artsonia.

Thank you to Shannon Baumler for keeping us up to date with our monthly newsletters.

And a big thank you goes to the PTO Board, Li Basagic, Lynn LaRocca, Tracey Hicks-Kearse, Amanda Rothenbecker, Krista Nasr, Brook Shivers, Shannon Baumler, and Gina Ingel.


Celebrate your student's artwork!

Oak Hill students are creating wonderful pieces of artwork! Parents can view them at  If you have not done so already, please connect with your student by registering on the Artsonia website, here. You will receive important notifications, such as when new artwork is posted to your child's gallery.

Together in Education

Together in Education

Link your VIC card online at to our School ID#4406

Click here for more information.


Box Tops is changing to fit today's families. The new and improved Box Tops mobile app uses state-of-the-art technology to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to your school's earnings online.



Now when you use the Box Tops app to scan your store receipt, you can "Give Credit" to your child's classroom. To "Give Credit" make sure you have the latest version of the Box Tops app, scan your receipt, then tap the star icon to enter your "Give credit" memo.



Get the app

Download or update to the latest version of the Amazon Shopping app on your phone. You can find it in the App Store for iOS or Google Play for Android.

Thursday, June 6
  Mr. Duvall
Friday, June 7
  Mr. Snader
Wednesday, June 12
  Ms. Appel
Thursday, June 27
  Ms. Soroka
Upcoming Events
Monday, June 10
  Two-hour early dismissal - No half-day ECI
Tuesday, June 11
  Last Day for students - Two-hour early dismissal. No half-day ECI. End of 4th marking period
Wednesday, June 12
  Last day for teachers
Tuesday, June 18
  4:30p Board Meeting - Closed Session
  6:30p Board Meeting - Public Session
Wednesday, June 19
  School Offices and Central Offices Closed - Juneteenth
Thursday, July 4
  Schools and Central Offices Closed - Independence Day

Click here for PTO Minutes



- Shannon Baumler, 4/3/2024 7:53 pm