Hi Oak Hill!
It’s hard to believe we’re at the end of another school year already! It has been so great to see the return of our beloved Oak Hill events as well as the addition of some new ones! A HUGE thank you to our amazing board, chairs, and all of our volunteers that have worked tirelessly to make this year amazing for our students and staff. We hope you have a fantastic summer and look forward to see you all again in the fall!
Li Basagic
PTO President
Introducing your PTO Board for the 2023-2024 school year:
Li Basagic and Lynn LaRocca, Co-Presidents
Tracey Hicks-Kearse, 1st VP of Fundraising
Amanda Rothenbecker, 2nd VP of Student Enrichment
Krista Nasr and Brooke Shivers, 3rd Co-VP Volunteer Coordinators
Shannon Baumler, Secretary
Gina Ingel, Treasurer
Thank you to Chelsea Harrison for your time and dedication to the PTO board! We will miss you!