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Originally delivered on 5/1/2023 9:08 am

SUBJECT: OHES PTO May Newsletter

Oak Hill PTO Newsletter

Be sure to read the entire newsletter.  If you see [Message clipped] at the bottom of your email click on "VIEW ENTIRE MESSAGE" to get the rest of the story.

Este Oak Hill PTO boletin mensual está disponible en español! Elija español desde el botón "Select Language" en la esquina superior izquierda de la página web A continuación, haga clic en el Newsletter lengueta en la página de inicio Oak Hill PTO
(No seleccione los archivos del boletin.)

And the RACE IS ON! Friday, May 12th!

On Friday, May 12, 2023, Oak Hill Elementary School will be participating in the Race for Education! We invite family and friends to join us in helping to raise funds to enrich the lives of Oak Hill students with essential educational items and experiences! 

Each participant can raise funds by asking sponsors to contribute a tax-deductible donation to the PTO.Fundraising for the Race is now live! Friends and family can donate to individual students by heading to that student's fundraising page. To find and customize your student's personalized fundraising page, head to the "My Order & Volunteer Forms" tab > Fundraising Campaigns.

Find additional information on the Race home page or contact  Jean Nagle ( with questions.

The PTO is very excited as this is one our BIGGEST fundraiser of the year. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE THIS EVENT A SUCCESS! 

Volunteers Needed Race Day, May 12th!

The race is scheduled for May 12th and We need lots of parents to help count laps! We also need volunteers to hand out Popsicles after each class completes their race!!! Below are the scheduled Race times for our students. You can come help for just one grade, a few grades, or all day!


2nd Grade

8:15am – 9:05am


9:15am – 10:05am

4th Grade

10:15am – 11:05pm

3rd Grade

11:15pm – 12:05pm

1st Grade

12:15pm – 1:05pm

5th Grade

1:15pm – 2:05pm

Click here to sign up to volunteer or login to Membership Toolkit and find the volunteer sign-up sheet under My Order & Volunteer Forms.  

IMPORTANT: Due to increased security measures, volunteers and spectators must bring a GOVERNMENT ISSUED PHOTO ID (driver’s license) and volunteers must provide their birth date (mm/dd/yyyy) by Monday, May 1st, so that they are entered in our school system and has a school name tag prepared ahead of time.

Thank you in advance for your support of our Race for Education! We are looking forward to a wonderful day on May 12th. No pets permitted. Oak Hill students and volunteer runners only are permitted on the running track. Younger siblings may not run on the track.

Please come join us in the fun! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! Contact Jean Nagle

OHES Fundraising Night: May 11th

Chick-fil-A in Severna Park is hosting an OHES fundraising day on Thursday, May 11th all day for drive thru and/or delivery orders. When you order please tell your server you are with Oak Hill or add it to the special comments section when ordering online. OHES will earn 15% of our total sales.

Order your meal through the Chick-fil-A app and make your day more delicious.

Book Fair: May 22nd-26th

The Scholastic Book Fair will be coming to OHES from May 22-26 during your child’s media class time. Students will be able to preview the books in school and wish lists will be sent home. eWallet is a safe and convenient digital payment option for your student to shop the Fair cash-free. Visit the Book Fair homepage here to learn more or shop online!

Additionally, parents can shop on Book Fair Family Night, Tuesday, May 23 from 4:30-8 p.m at OHES!

We are looking for volunteers to be cashiers throughout the week, please see the link below to sign up for a time slot. Volunteer Sign-up Link: Volunteer Sign-Up

Ride Your Bike to School on May 23rd!

We are excited to announce that we will be bringing back "Ride Your Bike To School Day" on Tuesday, May 23rd! With May being National Physical Fitness Month, students are encouraged to ride their bike or walk to school. There will be two separate “parking lots” for students to park their bikes for the day. Students must wear a helmet, and are encouraged to bring a bike lock. A transportation form will be sent out closer to the event date, it will need to be completed for students participating. Thank you! 

If you are interested in assisting with "Ride Your Bike To School Day" be on the lookout for an email with a volunteer link in the near future.

OHES Fundraising Night: May 31st

Chipotle in Severna Park is hosting a OHES Family Fun Night on Wednesday, May 31st from 4-8 p.m. for dine in and/or carry out orders only. When you dine in or carry out during these hours, please tell the cashier you are supporting the cause to make sure that 33% of the proceeds will be donated to Oak Hill Elementary. Our online ordering code is: EJMT29Z.

Save time order online!

Mark Your Calendars!

May 9:PTO Meeting.Virtual 6 p.m.

May 25 & 26: School closed for Kindergarten. Conferences.

May 29: School closed. Memorial Day.

Tuesday, May 9th at 6pm

We invite you to join us for our next meeting virtually on May 9th at 6pm. The school and the PTO will benefit from hearing your ideas, and you will be better informed about upcoming events at the school. We hope to see you there! The next meeting will be held virtually on June 13th at 6pm. Links to join the meeting will be sent out closer to their dates.

Spring Dance Success: Thank you Volunteers!

Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make the Spring Dance a magical night! A special thanks to Nicole Webb who chaired the event and steered us to success! Thank you to the Dance committee volunteers who met many times over several months and helped organize everything from the DJ to the ticket sales to decorations: Brynn Boiko, Lindsey Graves, Chelsea Harrison, Brooke Shivers, Maureen Sperling, Heather Chisolm, Elina Greenan, Kelly Simmons, and Courtney Williams.

Celebrate your student's artwork!

Oak Hill students are creating wonderful pieces of artwork! Parents can view them at  If you have not done so already, please connect with your student by registering on the Artsonia website, here. You will receive important notifications, such as when new artwork is posted to your child's gallery.

Please consider purchasing keepsakes when doing your holiday shopping. 20% of your purchases benefit the OHES art classroom for supplies and materials.


Box Tops is changing to fit today's families. The new and improved Box Tops mobile app uses state-of-the-art technology to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to your school's earnings online.


Now when you use the Box Tops app to scan your store receipt, you can "Give Credit" to your child's classroom. To "Give Credit" make sure you have the latest version of the Box Tops app, scan your receipt, then tap the star icon to enter your "Give credit" memo.

Get the app

Download or update to the latest version of the Amazon Shopping app on your phone. You can find it in the App Store for iOS or Google Play for Android.

Together in Education

Together in Education

Link your VIC card online at to our School ID#4406

Click here for more information.

Friday, May 5
Ms. Grebb
Friday, May 12
Ms. Trent
Wednesday, May 31
Ms. Northfield
Saturday, June 3
Mr. Green
Tuesday, June 6
Mr. Mike
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, May 2
PreK Application Begins
Monday, May 8
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
Tuesday, May 9
6:00p PTO Meeting (virtual)
Wednesday, May 10
10:00a Board Meeting - Closed Session
12:00p Board Meeting - Public Session
Friday, May 12
Race for Education
Monday, May 22
12:00p Budget Committee Meeting
6:00p Public Hearing/Workshop
Tuesday, May 23
3:00p Equity Committee Meeting
Wednesday, May 24
4:30p Board Meeting - Closed Session
6:30p Board Meeting - Public Session
Thursday, May 25
Last Day for Graduating Seniors
School closed for ECI, PreK and Kindergarten students - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday, May 26
School closed for ECI, PreK and Kindergarten students - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Monday, May 29
Memorial Day - Schools and Central Offices Closed

Click here for PTO Minutes

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